industry sectors

According to the World Health Organization, global healthcare spending amounted to USD 7,800 billion in 2017, around 10% of global GDP or USD 1,080 per capita, and since 2000, global spending has grown by 3.9% per year in real terms, around one percentage point more than global GDP.

These global averages conceal wide disparities in healthcare spending levels: in the USA, healthcare spending represents over 17% of GDP (over USD 10,000 per capita), while in Pakistan and Bangladesh, it represents less than 3% of GDP (less than USD 200 per capita).

Global economic growth, ongoing healthcare reforms and constant innovation in treatments are having an impact on the sector’s financial growth. In particular, revenues in the medtech sector are growing strongly, at around 5% a year, fuelled by spending of over $30 billion a year on medtech research and development.

Meenthe has worked on a variety of healthcare projects for which we have recruited patients, caregivers, private and public sector healthcare professionals to participate in interviews and focus groups. Recent projects to recruit healthcare professionals have included general practitioners and specialists, nurses and nursery nurses, cardiologists, haematologists and dieticians.

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