the world's second-largest economy

Market Research in China

China is the world’s most populous country and the second largest economy in terms of GDP. Real economic growth has averaged 6% per year over the past 30 years, but is expected to be much lower over the next few years.

China is by far the world’s largest manufacturer and exporter of manufactured goods, exporting $2.5 billion worth of goods in 2019. The most valuable export categories are smartphones, computers, integrated circuits/microassemblies, processed petroleum products and solar panels.

China is also the world’s largest producer and consumer of agricultural products. The main crops are rice, wheat, corn and soybeans. Overall, China’s agricultural sector employs around 300 million people and contributes 8% of GDP.

China’s service sector accounts for around 52% of GDP, less than in the European and North American economies, but this part of the economy is set to grow in importance as the manufacturing sector faces a number of constraints, including slowing labor and productivity growth, declining returns on investment and weakening demand for exports.

Meenthe has carried out a number of projects in China, notably in Beijing and Shanghai, the two largest market research centers.

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