Europe's third-largest economy

Market Research in France

France is Western Europe’s largest country in terms of surface area, second in terms of population and third in terms of economy. Although famous for its wine and food production, agriculture accounts for just 1.7% of GDP, a lower proportion than in Spain and Italy.

As a proportion of GDP, France’s manufacturing sector is small by European standards, but the country is strong in chemicals, aerospace and defense, car manufacturing and luxury goods. Tourism is a major contributor to the service sector, with France welcoming more foreign visitors every year than any other country in the world.

Market research in France is mainly concentrated in Paris, but Meenthe also has capacities in several other cities, including Marseille, Lyon, Nice, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Strasbourg and many others. It is important to note that it is illegal in France to classify respondents according to their ethnicity, or to ask them questions about their race or origins.

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