Europe's fifth-largest economy

Market Research in Spain

Spain is the smallest of Western Europe’s “Big Five” countries in terms of population and GDP, although it is the second-largest in terms of surface area.

Agriculture accounts for 2.6% of economic output, with a large proportion of fresh fruit and vegetables exported from Spain to Northern Europe. Industrial production accounts for 23.2%, with car manufacturing being one of the most important manufacturing sectors.

Spain also boasts a strong tourism industry. The country maintains close cultural ties with Latin America, and is the second-largest investor in the region after the United States.

Regional autonomy is greater in Spain than in most other European countries, and there are strong independence movements in the Basque Country (along Spain’s northern coast) and in Catalonia, the northern region of Spain.
in Catalonia, the northeastern region whose capital is Barcelona. In October 2017, the Catalan Parliament declared Catalonia’s independence from the rest of Spain, a decision that was subsequently suspended by the Constitutional Court.

From a market research perspective, Barcelona and Madrid are the most important centers, and Meenthe is active in both.
Although the Catalan language is widely spoken in Barcelona, most market research is still conducted in Spanish.

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