qualitatives studies in 2023

Focus Groups

Focus groups enable participants to combine their experiences and viewpoints to explore ideas in depth. Commonly used in creative and concept development, they help you understand your customers’ needs, perceptions and beliefs.

A focus group usually consists of 6 to 10 participants and a moderator, and lasts between 60 and 180 minutes. The moderator is there to keep the discussion on track, encourage participants to explore ideas and spark interaction. Focus groups provide immediate and rich feedback on topics such as the design, packaging, pricing and messaging of any product or service. They can also be used to undertake creative tasks, with each participant able to draw on the contributions of others.

Focus groups can be organized face-to-face or online. Distancially, focus groups can be organized with people from different cities or countries.

Where face-to-face focus groups are possible, the advantage is that our trained moderators can read body language and non-verbal reactions to gain deeper insights into the discussion. Face-to-face focus groups are often held in a dedicated market research room, where customers can observe the study from behind a one-way mirror, or via a live video feed. Meenthe has established partnerships with trusted rooms around the world, and we are happy to advise our customers.

Make our focus groups your gratitude

Over half a million participants at your disposal